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Radius SEO
  • March 13, 2021
  • 3 min read

12 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO Services

In This Article

SEO services, otherwise known as search engine optimization, is essential for achieving increased searchability and visibility for a business and its products, but it also offers more value than that.

Many but not all companies and brands understand that they need SEO for their digital properties and are aware of the benefits they can receive from SEO work being implemented on their behalf.

The following are 12 important reasons why nearly every business needs and can benefit from SEO to help take their brand, products, or services to the next level.

1. Organic Search Is Frequently the Primary Source of Website Traffic

Organic search plays a massive part in most businesses’ website performance and a vital component of the buyer experience and ultimately getting users to engage with a website. And Google owns a significantly greater portion of the search market than competitors such as Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, and others.

It’s not that all search engines don’t contribute to a brand’s Internet visibility—they do. But Google owns about 75 percent of the overall search market. It’s the undisputed leader, and for this reason, its guidelines are essential to follow. But the remaining 25% of the market owned by other engines is invaluable to brands, as well.

Being the most visited website in the U.S. and globally, Google is the #1 source of information for people searching for it, followed by YouTube at #2. We know that a majority of the world with Internet access is visiting Google at least once per day to search for information.

Having high visibility as a trusted source by Google and other search engines will always work in a brand’s favor. Quality SEO and a high-quality website can take your business to the top.

2. SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

Any experienced SEO aims to establish a robust foundation for a well-designed, appealing website with a clean, helpful user experience. The website should be easily discoverable in searches based on the business’s trust and credibility and its digital properties.

Many strategies are implemented to establish authority with search engines such as Google. Authority can also be increased over time as a result of components such as the following:

✔️ Quality backlink profiles

✔️ Positive user behavior

✔️ Optimized on-page content and elements

✔️ Machine-learning signals

✔️ Optimized on-page content and elements

3. Good SEO Also Means an Improved User Experience

Everyone wants improved organic rankings and maximum visibility. Not as many realize, however, that optimal user experience plays a major role in getting there. Google has learned how to interpret favorable or unfavorable user experiences, and the latter has become essential for a website’s success.

A clear example of building a positive and fruitful user experience is how Google has grown to be an answer engine offering the searched-for data directly on the SERPs (search engine results pages) for users. The intention is to provide users with the information they are searching for in fewer clicks, quickly and easily.

Quality SEO includes making a positive user website experience, ensuring that it will benefit the business or brand.

4. Local SEO Means Increased Traffic, Engagement, and Conversions

With the ever-increasing domination of mobile traffic, local search has become an indispensable part of the success of small- and medium-sized businesses. Local SEO seeks to optimize your digital properties for a specific vicinity, so potential customers can find you quickly and easily, helping them get one step closer to engaging in a transaction.

Local optimizations are centered on specific towns, cities, and even states to establish an effective means for a business or brand’s visibility at the local level.

SEO professionals do this by optimizing the business’ website and content, including backlinks and local listings relevant to the area and business sector to which a brand belongs.

SEO professionals should optimize a brand’s Knowledge Graph panel, its Google My Business listing, and its social media profiles to promote local-level engagement right out of the gate. They should also seek to highlight user reviews on Google and other review sites such as Yelp and Angie’s List, among others, depending on the industry.

5. SEO Impacts the Buying Cycle

Customers often do a tremendous amount of research before purchasing a business’ products or services. This is one of the best advantages of the internet from a buyer’s perspective. They no longer have to depend on word-of-mouth reviews, the Yellow Pages, or slick ads to make informed decisions.

Using SEO strategies to convey messaging for good deals, new or improved products and services, and the importance of what you offer customers can be absolutely game-changing. It will also undoubtedly positively impact the buying cycle when implemented correctly.

Brands must be visible in the locations people need them for a worthwhile connection to be forged. Local SEO improves that visibility and lets potential customers receive answers to their questions and needs and the businesses providing them.

6. SEO Best Practices Are Always Being Updated

It’s great to have SEO strategies implemented on a brand’s website and across its digital properties. However, if it’s a short-term working relationship due to budget or other constraints and the site isn’t re-evaluated consistently over time, it will eventually reach a threshold in which it can no longer improve due to other obstacles.

The way in which the search world is evolving, mostly at Google’s discretion, requires constant monitoring for the need for changes to stay ahead of the competition and, ideally, on Page 1.

Being proactive and monitoring for significant algorithm changes will always benefit the brands who engage in this practice regularly. Google enacts literally thousands of algorithm changes a year. If a website falls too far behind, and it will be challenging to come back. SEO professionals help to ensure that is prevented.

7. Understanding SEO Helps You Understand the Internet Environment

With an ever-changing Internet environment, it can be challenging to keep up with those changes as they occur.

Staying on top of SEO requiring being in the loop for the significant changes taking place for searching. In this, and also being aware of approaches being implemented by other similar local businesses and competitors, most companies will likely find constant algorithm supervision quite beneficial.

8. SEO Is Relatively Inexpensive

SEO costs money. Any valuable product or service will. But SEO is relatively inexpensive when you look at the big picture, and the payoff will most likely be substantial in terms of a business’ benefits and bottom line.

This isn’t a marketing cost—this is an actual business investment. Proper SEO implementation will continue to reap benefits for years to come. And it will only be better with continued attention and investment put into it.

9. It’s A Long-Term Strategy

SEO is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. SEO can often have a noticeable impact within the first few months of action being taken and can produce lasting effects for many more years.

As the market evolves, it’s best to follow changes and trends closely. But even a website that hasn’t had a ton of good SEO reviews or recommendations can improve using SEO best practices and an open and honest website with a productive user experience.

And the more SEO time, effort, and funds dedicated to it, the better and longer a website stands to be a strong contender in its market.

10. It’s Quantifiable

Although SEO doesn’t offer the easier-to-calculate ROI like that of paid search, it can be measured using proper tracking and analytics, and there are many programs that can achieve this. Although there is no definitive way to understand all of the connections between all actions having been taken, it is worth understanding how certain actions can and likely will affect performance and growth.

Any good SEO will be aimed at making improvements so that understanding connections between actions and results should not be as challenging.

Brands also want to know where they were, where they are, and where they are headed in terms of digital performance, especially SEO. There’s no better way to demonstrate the success of SEO than using analytical tools. Data doesn’t lie.

11. SEO Brings New Opportunities to Light

High-quality SEO will always identify a means of discovering and taking advantage of new opportunities for businesses to be discovered and to thrive.

Offering quality SEO to businesses means submersing an SEO team in everything that is that brand. It’s the only way to market a brand with the passion and understanding that its stakeholders would like to have for it.

The more a brand is understood, the more opportunities will emerge to help it thrive. The same is true for SEO.

12. If You’re Not on Page 1, You’re Probably Not Getting the Click

A well-known SEO factor is that if you’re not on Page 1, you’re probably not thriving up to your potential in organic searches. Recent research found that the first three organic search ranking positions lead to almost 40% of all click-throughs. Up to 30% of all results on both Page 1 and 2 don’t get any clicks at all.

This means if your business is not on Page 1, it needs to be. If you are not, there are just too many circumstances in which a user types a search query and can’t locate your search results or choose to click on it above all others.


Implementing strong, quality SEO on a business website and digital properties will always be a boon to that brand and its marketing efforts.

Although it’s considered a “new age” marketing strategy, it’s critical to a brand’s web presence today, especially as available data and rival competition continue to increase and grow.

Ready to Boost your Website’s SEO Potential?

Start working with an SEO company that can provide everything you need
to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect with customers, and increase sales.